Tuesday 30 October 2012

Pixar's Zoetrope.

A while back I posted the cool spot that 1st Ave Machine did for Coke Fuse (here's the link).  I added a few other videos of zoetropes, including one that Pixar has on display in California.  Here's a short video that was put together describing how Pixar created their display.  Fun stuff.

Monday 29 October 2012

R.J. Palmer

What if Pokemon looked realistic?  Artist R.J. Palmer did this cool series answering that question, by replacing cute with awesomeness.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Vernal Equinox

One of my favorite Sheridan College grad films this year is finally available for all to see on the web.  Here's the YouTube link to Haiwei Hou's Vernal Equinox.


Long Ouyang

Have a gander at some cool concept art by artist Long Ouyang.  

Matthew Plummer Fernandez

It's amazing what you can do with 3D printers these days.  It was only a matter of time before we started seeing cool prints of subject matter other than 3D characters.  Have a look at some cool sculptures created by Matthew Plummer Fernandez. (you can check out his website here).

Tuesday 9 October 2012


Check out the cinematic for  Dishonored.  I just picked this up today.  Looks like a steampunk cross between Assassin's Creed and Skyrim (and I can't wait to start playing).  For more info check out Bethesda's Blog here.

Here's some cool concept art for the game.

Friday 5 October 2012

One More Beer (I like the title).

Over a year ago I saw a cool rigging demo (by Alex Angelis)with this awesome viking character (by Pedro Conti). Yesterday, I was checking out Vimeo and noticed they've made a short short...fun.

One More Beer! from pedro conti on Vimeo.

VIKING RIGG - ALEX ANGELIS from alex angelis on Vimeo.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Ray Harryhausen

I came across this interview Ray Harryhausen gave way back in 1974, and thought I'd share.

Also, check out this compilation.

The Croods

A while back I posted some Croods concept art.  Have a look at the official trailer.