Saturday 30 June 2012

More DC Nation.....

Have a look at these newer DC Nation spot's, that were done by Aardman stop motion animator Dug Calder.

DC-Nation #3 from DugCalder on Vimeo.

DC-Nation #5 from DugCalder on Vimeo.

Dug Calder (showreel 2011) from DugCalder on Vimeo.

These remind me of one of my favourite Aardman shorts Creature Comforts, which won an Oscar for best animated short in 1989.

Creature Comforts from gizemsel on Vimeo.

Sam Baker

Check out Sam Baker's cool character reel.

Sam Baker Animation Reel 2012 from Sam Baker on Vimeo.

Friday 29 June 2012

BMW - Bullet

Ok this is cool.  I'm a big fan of high speed film.  Check out this new commercial by Cundari that has a BMW M5 go 560mph through a variety of objects.

The name of the commercial "Bullet" obviously ties into the ultra high speed tests that were done by MIT professor Dr. Harold Edgerton.

Also check out these videos which also capture actions at higher than 1000 frames per second (standard HD is 30 frames per second.....the new Hobbit movie is 48 frames per second)

slow motion punches from cody kern on Vimeo.

Thursday 28 June 2012


Bluesky just released a trailer for their upcoming movie Epic.

The Sandpit

There's something about projects shot with tilt shift lenses that I just love. The Sandpit is a short film by Sam O'hare that documents a day in NYC.  You can check out how the project was made here.

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

Also, have a look at this cool Japanese canendar here.


For more on Tilt Shift Lenses check out these sites:


These game cinematics keep getting more and more detailed. Watch this new opening cinematic for Sid Meier's Civilization V Gods and Kings.

Sid Meier's Civilization V Gods and Kings Intro from heber alvarado on Vimeo.

Patricio Oliver

Have a look at the cool toys, illustrations, and more at Patricio Olivers website.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Pyro-tastic!!! Meet the Pyro

This is disturbingly hilarious.  The new Team Fortress 2 trailer features the Pyro (and his hideous, deranged thoughts....bwah ha ha ha ha).

Meet the Pyro from Rhi on Vimeo.
And related, check out this SXI rigging reel posted by Francio Rault two years ago on vimeo.

Meet the Pyro on xsi from felixlechA on Vimeo.

I Pet Goat

Usually, I'll shy away from politics and religion in a public forum..........but this short is so mesmerizingly tripy I had to post it. It was made by an experimental Montreal area computer animation company Heliofant.

Dean Heezen

Check out the graphic designs of recent Sheridan College grad Dean Heezen.  

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Calum Watt

Calum Alexander Watt has done some amazing illustration/design work (you can check more on his blog).............just awesome.

Monster University

Pixar is back to sequels again (I mean this case).  Here's the trailer for the next Monsters Inc.

Monday 25 June 2012

More Wreck-it Ralph

I just came across these higher resolution character pics....lookin' good.

Cinefantastique on Brave

Check out this insightful podcast created by Cinefantiastique.

Also, have a look at this light 6 minute brave featurette.

I've also added some cool concept art I've found posted around the web.