Thursday 31 May 2012


Laika, the brilliant stop motion studio behind Coroline, will soon to be releasing Paranorman.

Check out the promotional video Laika created about themselves:

You can also find out a little more about Laika and Paranorman here.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Coraline opening title sequence | Art of the Title

Coraline opening title sequence | Art of the Title

This is just an awesome site.

Tron: Uprising

Check out this cool concept work for Tron:Uprising for Disney XD.

I have to admit I've never been a big fan of toon shading, but this is looking pretty darn good.  The stylized proportions and pushing the use of camera/composition really makes this work.  Here's the HD trailer.

Monday 28 May 2012

Method Studios and the Avengers......

I'm sure everyone has seen the Avengers by now.  Watch the end  credits at method studios web site. Nice camera work, awesome textures and lighting.  Animation World Network has more.

Also, with the Marvel theme.  Check out this funny short film by Junaid Chundrigar .

Onesize DC Nation pitch...

After checking out the Onesize website, I came across these awesome images from a design pitch that unfortunately didn't make it to air.  Very cool.

Dream Machines by Onesize

Check out this cool promo for the SyFy show "Dream Machines" by the Dutch company Onesize .

Muto -tastic....

This is a little older but still incredible.  This is a stop motion style animation done through wall murals by the artist Blu .  You can also find out more through this link at motionagrapher .

Saturday 26 May 2012

Diablo III....The Making of Black Soulstone

Check out the Blizzcon 2011 making of the Black Soulstone cinematic.  You can also find out more analysis  here.


I came across Toycutter, this neat toy blog, this morning.  It seems to have a lot of cool/rare toys, ranging from Kidrobot Munny's and Dunny's to Bruce Willis' John Maclean Die Hard figure (one of my favourite movies).

Friday 25 May 2012

Thursday 24 May 2012

The Art of VFX - Exclusive VFX Interviews

The Art of VFX - Exclusive VFX Interviews

I just came across this fantastic blog by Vincent Frie.  I've got a lot of reading to do. Buck

So, I'm expecting a new Android phone within the week, and I decided to check out some of the apps on the Android Market.  I came across Androidify.....which looks like fun.  Coincidently this spot was made by Buck (mentioned in a previous post).

I cant wait to try it out.

Buck does Sherwin-Williams....

If you're not familiar with the New York/ LA situated company Buck, your missing out.  They recently completed a series of commercials for Sherwin-Williams....which were outstanding.  If you have a chance to browse their website, I strongly recommend it.  They usually post conceptual and process work for each spot....bonus.

Sheridan's 2012 promotional video.

Sheridan College was recently ranked the number one animation school in the world (according to the Animation Career Review ).  Sheridan had it's animation industry day a month ago.  To help promote it, they put together this cool trailer highlighting works from this years grads.  Check it out.